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Publish a release in GitHub


You need to create a personal access token within GitHub and add this to the Jenkins credentials store.

Please see GitHub documentation for details about creating the personal access token.


Overview - Step

Name Mandatory Additional information
owner yes
repository yes
script (yes) Jenkins only reference to Jenkins main pipeline script
token (yes) Vault Secret pass via ENV, Vault or Jenkins credentials (githubTokenCredentialsId)
version yes
addClosedIssues no
addDeltaToLastRelease no
apiUrl no
assetPath no
assetPathList no
commitish no
excludeLabels no
labels no
preRelease no
releaseBodyHeader no
serverUrl no
tagPrefix no
uploadUrl no
verbose no activates debug output

Overview - Execution Environment

Orchestrator-specific only

These parameters are relevant for orchestrator usage and not considered when using the command line option.

Name Mandatory Additional information



If set to true, closed issues and merged pull-requests since the last release will added below the releaseBodyHeader

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type bool
Mandatory no
Default false
Possible values - true
- false
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


If set to true, a link will be added to the release information that brings up all commits since the last release.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type bool
Mandatory no
Default false
Possible values - true
- false
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Set the GitHub API url.

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Scope Details
Aliases githubApiUrl
Type string
Mandatory no
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Path to a release asset which should be uploaded to the list of release assets.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_assetPath (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


List of paths to a release asset which should be uploaded to the list of release assets.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type []string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_assetPathList (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Target git commitish for the release

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default master
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references commonPipelineEnvironment:
  reference to: git/headCommitId


Allows to exclude issues with dedicated list of labels.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type []string
Mandatory no
Default - duplicate
- invalid
- question
- wontfix
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Labels to include in issue search.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type []string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_labels (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Name of the GitHub organization.

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Scope Details
Aliases githubOrg
Type string
Mandatory yes
Default $PIPER_owner (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references commonPipelineEnvironment:
  reference to: github/owner


If set to true the release will be marked as Pre-release.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type bool
Mandatory no
Default false
Possible values - true
- false
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Content which will appear for the release.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_releaseBodyHeader (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Name of the GitHub repository.

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Scope Details
Aliases githubRepo
Type string
Mandatory yes
Default $PIPER_repository (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references commonPipelineEnvironment:
  reference to: github/repository


Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.

The common script environment of the Jenkinsfile running. Typically the reference to the script calling the pipeline step is provided with the this parameter, as in script: this. This allows the function to access the commonPipelineEnvironment for retrieving, e.g. configuration parameters.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type Jenkins Script
Mandatory yes
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☐ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☐ steps
  • ☐ stages
Resource references none


GitHub server url for end-user access.

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Scope Details
Aliases githubServerUrl
Type string
Mandatory no
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Defines a prefix to be added to the tag.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default ''
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


GitHub personal access token as per

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Scope Details
Aliases - githubToken
- access_token
Type string
Mandatory yes
Default $PIPER_token (if set)
Secret yes
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references Jenkins credential id:
  id: githubTokenCredentialsId

Vault resource:
  name: githubVaultSecretName
  default value: github

Vault paths:
  • $(vaultPath)/github
  • $(vaultBasePath)/$(vaultPipelineName)/github
  • $(vaultBasePath)/GROUP-SECRETS/github


Set the GitHub API url.

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Scope Details
Aliases githubUploadUrl
Type string
Mandatory no
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


verbose output

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type bool
Mandatory no
Default false
Possible values - true
- false
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Define the version number which will be written as tag as well as release name.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory yes
Default $PIPER_version (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references commonPipelineEnvironment:
  reference to: artifactVersion


Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup. See using credentials for details.

Jenkins 'Secret text' credentials ID containing token to authenticate to GitHub.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages


This step creates a tag in your GitHub repository together with a release. The release can be filled with text plus additional information like:

  • Closed pull request since last release
  • Closed issues since last release
  • Link to delta information showing all commits since last release

The result looks like

Example release


We recommend to define values of step parameters via .pipeline/config.yml file.
In this case, calling the step is essentially reduced to defining the step name.
Calling the step can be done either in an orchestrator specific way (e.g. via a Jenkins library step) or on the command line.


githubPublishRelease script: this
piper githubPublishRelease


Usage of pipeline step:

githubPublishRelease script: this, releaseBodyHeader: "**This is the latest success!**<br />"