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Performs a malware scan using the SAP Malware Scanning Service.


Overview - Step

Name Mandatory Additional information
buildTool yes
host yes
password (yes) Vault Secret pass via ENV, Vault or Jenkins credentials (malwareScanCredentialsId)
script (yes) Jenkins only reference to Jenkins main pipeline script
username (yes) Vault Secret pass via ENV, Vault or Jenkins credentials (malwareScanCredentialsId)
containerRegistryPassword no Secret pass via ENV or Jenkins credentials
containerRegistryUser no Secret pass via ENV or Jenkins credentials
dockerConfigJSON no Vault Secret pass via ENV, Vault or Jenkins credentials (dockerConfigJsonCredentialsId)
reportFileName no
scanFile no
scanImage no
scanImageRegistryUrl no
timeout no
verbose no activates debug output

Overview - Execution Environment

Orchestrator-specific only

These parameters are relevant for orchestrator usage and not considered when using the command line option.

Name Mandatory Additional information



Defines the tool which is used for building the artifact.

back to overview

Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory yes
Default $PIPER_buildTool (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references commonPipelineEnvironment:
  reference to: buildTool


For buildTool: docker: Password for container registry access - typically provided by the CI/CD environment.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_containerRegistryPassword (if set)
Secret yes
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references commonPipelineEnvironment:
  reference to: container/repositoryPassword
  reference to: custom/repositoryPassword


For buildTool: docker: Username for container registry access - typically provided by the CI/CD environment.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_containerRegistryUser (if set)
Secret yes
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references commonPipelineEnvironment:
  reference to: container/repositoryUsername
  reference to: custom/repositoryUsername


Path to the file .docker/config.json - this is typically provided by your CI/CD system. You can find more details about the Docker credentials in the Docker documentation.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_dockerConfigJSON (if set)
Secret yes
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references commonPipelineEnvironment:
  reference to: custom/dockerConfigJSON
Jenkins credential id:
  id: dockerConfigJsonCredentialsId

Vault resource:
  name: dockerConfigFileVaultSecretName
  default value: docker-config

Vault paths:
  • $(vaultPath)/docker-config
  • $(vaultBasePath)/$(vaultPipelineName)/docker-config
  • $(vaultBasePath)/GROUP-SECRETS/docker-config


malware scanning host.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory yes
Default $PIPER_host (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none



back to overview

Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory yes
Default $PIPER_password (if set)
Secret yes
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references Jenkins credential id:
  id: malwareScanCredentialsId
  reference to: password

Vault resource:
  name: malwareScanPasswordVaultSecretName
  default value: malware-scan

Vault paths:
  • $(vaultPath)/malware-scan
  • $(vaultBasePath)/$(vaultPipelineName)/malware-scan
  • $(vaultBasePath)/GROUP-SECRETS/malware-scan


The file name of the report to be created

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default malwarescan_report.json
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


The file which is scanned for malware

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Scope Details
Aliases file (deprecated)
Type string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_scanFile (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


For buildTool: docker: Defines the docker image which should be scanned.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_scanImage (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references commonPipelineEnvironment:
  reference to: container/imageNameTag


For buildTool: docker: Defines the registry where the scanImage is located.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_scanImageRegistryUrl (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references commonPipelineEnvironment:
  reference to: container/registryUrl


Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.

The common script environment of the Jenkinsfile running. Typically the reference to the script calling the pipeline step is provided with the this parameter, as in script: this. This allows the function to access the commonPipelineEnvironment for retrieving, e.g. configuration parameters.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type Jenkins Script
Mandatory yes
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☐ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☐ steps
  • ☐ stages
Resource references none


timeout for http layer in seconds

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default 600
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none



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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory yes
Default $PIPER_username (if set)
Secret yes
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references Jenkins credential id:
  id: malwareScanCredentialsId
  reference to: username

Vault resource:
  name: malwareScanUsernameVaultSecretName
  default value: malware-scan

Vault paths:
  • $(vaultPath)/malware-scan
  • $(vaultBasePath)/$(vaultPipelineName)/malware-scan
  • $(vaultBasePath)/GROUP-SECRETS/malware-scan


verbose output

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type bool
Mandatory no
Default false
Possible values - true
- false
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup. See using credentials for details.

Jenkins 'Username with password' credentials ID containing the technical user/password credential used to communicate with the malwarescanning service.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages




malwareExecuteScan script: this


        malwareScanCredentialsId: MALWARESCAN