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This step can publish test results from various sources.


Pipeline configuration


Explanation of pipeline step

Usage of pipeline step:

  junit: [updateResults: true, archive: true],
  jacoco: [archive: true]


name mandatory default possible values
cobertura no [pattern:**/target/coverage/**/cobertura-coverage.xml, onlyStableBuilds:true, allowEmptyResults:true, archive:false, active:false] true, false, Map
cucumber no [pattern:**/e2e/*.json, allowEmptyResults:true, archive:false, active:false] true, false, Map
failOnError no false true, false
htmlPublisher no [allowMissing:true, alwaysLinkToLastBuild:false, keepAll:true, reportDir:, pattern:**/reports/coverage-reports/**/index.html, reportName:Results, active:false] true, false, Map
jacoco no [pattern:**/target/*.exec, allowEmptyResults:true, archive:false, active:false] true, false, Map
jmeter no [pattern:**/*.jtl, filterRegex:, errorFailedThreshold:20, errorUnstableThreshold:10, errorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold:, relativeFailedThresholdPositive:0, relativeFailedThresholdNegative:0, relativeUnstableThresholdPositive:0, relativeUnstableThresholdNegative:0, modeOfThreshold:false, modeThroughput:false, nthBuildNumber:0, configType:PRT, failBuildIfNoResultFile:false, compareBuildPrevious:true, allowEmptyResults:true, archive:false, active:false] true, false, Map
junit no [pattern:**/TEST-*.xml, updateResults:false, allowEmptyResults:true, archive:false, active:false] true, false, Map
script yes
  • cobertura - Publishes code coverage with the Cobertura plugin.
  • cucumber - Publishes test results with the Cucumber plugin.
  • failOnError - If it is set to true the step will fail the build if JUnit detected any failing tests.
  • htmlPublisher - Publishes test results with the HTML Publisher plugin.
  • jacoco - Publishes code coverage with the JaCoCo plugin.
  • jmeter - Publishes performance test results with the Performance plugin.
  • junit - Publishes test results files in JUnit format with the JUnit Plugin.
  • script - The common script environment of the Jenkinsfile running. Typically the reference to the script calling the pipeline step is provided with the this parameter, as in script: this. This allows the function to access the commonPipelineEnvironment for retrieving, e.g. configuration parameters.


parameter mandatory default possible values
pattern no '**/TEST-*.xml'
archive no false true, false
updateResults no false true, false
allowEmptyResults no true true, false


parameter mandatory default possible values
pattern no '**/target/*.exec'
include no '' '**/*.class'
exclude no '' '**/Test*'
archive no false true, false
allowEmptyResults no true true, false


parameter mandatory default possible values
pattern no '**/target/coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml'
archive no false true, false
allowEmptyResults no true true, false
onlyStableBuilds no true true, false


parameter mandatory default possible values
pattern no '**/*.jtl'
errorFailedThreshold no 20
errorUnstableThreshold no 10
errorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold no ``
relativeFailedThresholdPositive no 0
relativeFailedThresholdNegative no 0
relativeUnstableThresholdPositive no 0
relativeUnstableThresholdNegative no 0
modeOfThreshold no false true, false
modeThroughput no false true, false
nthBuildNumber no 0
configType no PRT
failBuildIfNoResultFile no false true, false
compareBuildPrevious no true true, false
archive no false true, false
allowEmptyResults no true true, false
filterRegex no ' '

Step configuration

We recommend to define values of step parameters via config.yml file.

In following sections of the config.yml the configuration is possible:

parameter general step/stage
cobertura X X
cucumber X X
failOnError X
htmlPublisher X X
jacoco X X
jmeter X X
junit X X


The step depends on the following Jenkins plugins

Transitive dependencies are omitted.

The list might be incomplete.

Consider using the ppiper/jenkins-master docker image. This images comes with preinstalled plugins.

Side effects





// publish test results with coverage
  junit: [updateResults: true, archive: true],
  jacoco: [archive: true]
// publish test results with coverage
  junit: [pattern: '**/target/TEST*.xml', archive: true],
  cobertura: [pattern: '**/target/coverage/cobertura-coverage.xml']