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Execute npm run scripts on all npm packages in a project


Execute npm run scripts in all package json files, if they implement the scripts.

build with depedencies from a private repository

if your build has scoped/unscoped dependencies from a private repository you can include a .npmrc into the source code repository as below (replace the @privateScope:registry value(s) with a valid private repo url) :

PIPER_VAULTCREDENTIAL_USER and PIPER_VAULTCREDENTIAL_PASSWORD_BASE64 (Base64 encoded password) are the username and password for the private repository and are exposed are environment variables that must be present in the environment where the Piper step runs or alternatively can be created using : vault general purpose credentials


We recommend to define values of step parameters via .pipeline/config.yml file.
In this case, calling the step is essentially reduced to defining the step name.
Calling the step can be done either in an orchestrator specific way (e.g. via a Jenkins library step) or on the command line.


npmExecuteScripts script: this
piper npmExecuteScripts


Output type Details
  • custom/buildSettingsInfo
  • custom/npmBuildArtifacts


Overview - Step

Name Mandatory Additional information
script (yes) Jenkins only reference to Jenkins main pipeline script
buildDescriptorExcludeList no
buildDescriptorList no
buildSettingsInfo no
createBOM no
createBuildArtifactsMetadata no
defaultNpmRegistry no
install no
packBeforePublish no
production no
publish no
repositoryPassword no Secret pass via ENV or Jenkins credentials
repositoryUrl no
repositoryUsername no Secret pass via ENV or Jenkins credentials
runScripts no
scriptOptions no
verbose no activates debug output
virtualFrameBuffer no

Overview - Execution Environment

Orchestrator-specific only

These parameters are relevant for orchestrator usage and not considered when using the command line option.

Name Mandatory Additional information
containerCommand no Jenkins only
containerShell no Jenkins only
dockerEnvVars no
dockerImage no
dockerName no
dockerOptions no
dockerPullImage no
dockerVolumeBind no Jenkins only
dockerWorkspace no Jenkins only
stashContent no Jenkins only



List of build descriptors and therefore modules to exclude from execution of the npm scripts. The elements can either be a path to the build descriptor or a pattern.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type []string
Mandatory no
Default - deployment/**
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


List of build descriptors and therefore modules for execution of the npm scripts. The elements have to be paths to the build descriptors. If set, buildDescriptorExcludeList will be ignored.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type []string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_buildDescriptorList (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


build settings info is typically filled by the step automatically to create information about the build settings that were used during the npm build . This information is typically used for compliance related processes.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_buildSettingsInfo (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references commonPipelineEnvironment:
  reference to: custom/buildSettingsInfo


Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.

Kubernetes only: Allows to specify start command for container created with dockerImage parameter to overwrite Piper default (/usr/bin/tail -f /dev/null).

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.

Allows to specify the shell to be executed for container with containerName.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Create a BOM xml using CycloneDX.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type bool
Mandatory no
Default false
Possible values - true
- false
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


metadata about the artifacts that are build and published , this metadata is generally used by steps downstream in the pipeline

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type bool
Mandatory no
Default false
Possible values - true
- false
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


URL of the npm registry to use. Defaults to

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Scope Details
Aliases npm/defaultNpmRegistry
Type string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_defaultNpmRegistry (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.

Environment variables to set in the container, e.g. [http_proxy: "proxy:8080"].

back to overview

Scope Details
Aliases -
Type map[string]string
Mandatory no
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.

Name of the docker image that should be used. If empty, Docker is not used and the command is executed directly on the Jenkins system.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default node:lts-buster
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.

Kubernetes only: Name of the container launching dockerImage. SideCar only: Name of the container in local network.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default node
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.

Docker options to be set when starting the container.

back to overview

Scope Details
Aliases -
Type []string
Mandatory no
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.

Set this to 'false' to bypass a docker image pull. Useful during development process. Allows testing of images which are available in the local registry only.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type bool
Mandatory no
Default true
Possible values - true
- false
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.

Volumes that should be mounted into the docker container.

back to overview

Scope Details
Aliases -
Type map[string]string
Mandatory no
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.

Kubernetes only: Specifies a dedicated user home directory for the container which will be passed as value for environment variable HOME.

back to overview

Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Run npm install or similar commands depending on the project structure.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type bool
Mandatory no
Default true
Possible values - true
- false
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


used for executing npm pack first, followed by npm publish. This two step maybe required in two cases. case 1) When building multiple npm packages (multiple package.json) please keep this parameter true and also see buildDescriptorList or buildDescriptorExcludeList to choose which package(s) to publish. case 2)when you are building a single npm (single package.json in your repo) / multiple npm (multiple package.json) scoped package(s) and have npm dependencies from the same scope.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type bool
Mandatory no
Default false
Possible values - true
- false
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


used for omitting installation of dev. dependencies if true

back to overview

Scope Details
Aliases -
Type bool
Mandatory no
Default false
Possible values - true
- false
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Configures npm to publish the artifact to a repository.

back to overview

Scope Details
Aliases -
Type bool
Mandatory no
Default false
Possible values - true
- false
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Password for the repository to which the project artifacts should be published.

back to overview

Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_repositoryPassword (if set)
Secret yes
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references commonPipelineEnvironment:
  reference to: custom/npmRepositoryPassword
  reference to: custom/repositoryPassword


Url to the repository to which the project artifacts should be published.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_repositoryUrl (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references commonPipelineEnvironment:
  reference to: custom/npmRepositoryURL
  reference to: custom/repositoryUrl


Username for the repository to which the project artifacts should be published.

back to overview

Scope Details
Aliases -
Type string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_repositoryUsername (if set)
Secret yes
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references commonPipelineEnvironment:
  reference to: custom/npmRepositoryUsername
  reference to: custom/repositoryUsername


List of additional run scripts to execute from package.json.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type []string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_runScripts (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.

The common script environment of the Jenkinsfile running. Typically the reference to the script calling the pipeline step is provided with the this parameter, as in script: this. This allows the function to access the commonPipelineEnvironment for retrieving, e.g. configuration parameters.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type Jenkins Script
Mandatory yes
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☐ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☐ steps
  • ☐ stages
Resource references none


Options are passed to all runScripts calls separated by a '--'. './piper npmExecuteScripts --runScripts ci-e2e --scriptOptions '--tag1' will correspond to 'npm run ci-e2e -- --tag1'

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type []string
Mandatory no
Default $PIPER_scriptOptions (if set)
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


Jenkins-specific: Used for proper environment setup.

Specific stashes that should be considered for the step execution.

back to overview

Scope Details
Aliases -
Type []string
Mandatory no
Default - source
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


verbose output

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type bool
Mandatory no
Default false
Possible values - true
- false
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☒ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none


(Linux only) Start a virtual frame buffer in the background. This allows you to run a web browser without the need for an X server. Note that xvfb needs to be installed in the execution environment.

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Scope Details
Aliases -
Type bool
Mandatory no
Default false
Possible values - true
- false
Secret no
Configuration scope
  • ☒ parameter
  • ☐ general
  • ☒ steps
  • ☒ stages
Resource references none